Laparoscopic Surgery
- Operative Laparoscopy for PCOD
- Endometriosis
- Fibroids
- Adhesiolysis
Hysterosocpic Surgery
- Septal resection
- Polypectomy
- submucous fibroids
Tubal Recanalisation
- Obstetrics
- Transvaginal Sonography ( TVS )
- High-risk Pregnancy Management
As LAXMI NARASIMHA HOSPITAL is dedicated to woman and child care, we understand the complexities of women’s health. We care for women of all ages, addressing conditions in areas of adolescence, pre-marital counseling, early pregnancy, sexual health, breast care, hysterectomy, urinary incontinence other gynecological issues. We also provide comprehensive “Well Woman” check-ups as a diagnostic screening tool.
LNH with its team of experts offers a compassionate and convenient destination for the assessment and treatment of various female problems either conventionally or laparoscopically. Our services include:
Heavy, prolonged and painful periods can be due to some abnormality in the uterus. An abdominal hysterectomy is a procedure of removing the uterus through a cut in the lower abdomen, which offers a reliable solution to the problem. The operation may include removal of the cervix; this is called a total abdominal hysterectomy or TAH. Sometimes the cervix is not removed; this is called a sub-total abdominal hysterectomy.
Pap smear is a diagnostic test of a sample of cells collected from the surface of a woman’s cervix (the lower, narrow end of a woman’s uterus) to check for inflammation, infection or abnormalities that may develop into cancer. A Colposcopy is a procedure in which a special magnifying device with a light called a colposcope is used to visually examine the vagina and cervix. This procedure is normally carried out after a smear result is found to be abnormal as it gives more information about abnormal cells that could lead to cancer. The procedure can be used to direct the location of where a tissue biopsy should be done and it can also be used to monitor treatment of cervix abnormalities.
Endometriosis is a chronic disease involving endometrial tissue. Normally, endometrial tissue is found only inside the uterus, the reproductive organ where a fetus develops. In endometriosis, endometrial-like tissue is found outside the uterus. It may be found on organs in the abdomen, pelvis, or another location. Outside the uterus, the tissue continues to respond to hormones. It swells, breaks down, and bleeds, but it is unable to pass through the body during menstruation. Thus surrounding tissue becomes inflamed, often with scarring.
Fibroids are growths that form in the uterus (womb). They are benign (not cancerous) and are made up of muscle fiber. Fibroids can be as small as a pea and can grow as large as a melon. Fibroids are most common in women in their 30s and 40s and tend to shrink after the menopause.
Urinary incontinence is the loss of voluntary bladder control leading to the leakage of urine. It can be temporary or chronic. Incontinence is a symptom, not a condition in itself and may have several different causes.
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are caused by bacteria that invade the urinary system and multiply. The infection can occur in any part of the urinary system but usually starts in the urethra (a tube that carries the urine out of the body).
Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is a serious infection of the female reproductive organs. These include the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes. PID can cause scar tissue to form in the pelvis and fallopian tubes. This damage may result in infertility, a future tubal pregnancy, or chronic pelvic pain.
Your uterus (womb) is normally held in place by various muscles, tissue, and ligaments. Prolapse of the uterus occurs when the muscles supporting the uterus become so weak that the uterus cannot stay in place so it slips down from its normal position. This can happen in various stages.
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a disorder marked by physical and emotional symptoms. It affects women one or two weeks before the beginning of their menstrual period. The cause of PMS is unknown. It may be that a complex combination of environmental, metabolic, and behavioral factors causes vulnerability to the hormonal changes associated with menstruation. A brain chemical, serotonin, may play a role in severe forms of PMS.
Women need contraception for most of their reproductive life and their needs differ at different stages – teenage, early (20 to 35 years old), late reproductive (36 to 45 years old) and premenopausal. All methods of contraception including surgical, pills, patches, injections, implants, vaginal diaphragm and various coils (namely copper IUCD and Mirena) are provided, tailored to your individual needs.
Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is the virus which causes genital warts and cervical cancer. The HPV vaccine, which now has its Indian license, gives excellent protection for teenagers and women who have never been infected with the virus before.
These services are dedicated to helping women, and their partners, care for and enjoy their sexual health. Seeing a specialist assures expert treatment and confidential advice. We listen with respect, thus giving you the confidence to discuss even the most embarrassing concerns with ease, care, and confidentiality.
- Pregnancy
- Post – natal / Post – Partum Care
- Delivery
- Ectopic Pregnancy
- Fetal Distress
- Pre – Eclampsia
- Placental abruption
- Uterine rupture
- Prolapsed Cord
- Obstetrical Hemorrhage
- Gestational Diabetes
Surgical Procedures
- Vaginal Deliveries
- Cesarean Deliveries
- Ectopic Pregnancy – Lap
- LSCS Twins
- Cervical Stitch
- Instrumental Delivery
Fibroids are tumours of the uterine musculature 99% these tumours are benign i.e. they are not cancerous. These are commonly seen in women 30- 45yrs of age & those who don’t have children.
Fibroids usually present with heavy periods, pain during periods and heaviness in lower abdomen about 50% of fibroids are without any symptoms & they are accidentally picked up during a health check-up or check-up for infertility.
Those fibroids which are less than 3cm in size and are not causing any symptoms should not be treated.
Fibroids are easily diagnosed by ultrasound. A good USG is needed to localize the fibroids as treatment is based on the location of the fibroids. A fibroid which is inside the cavity is known as submucosal fibroid & these are the fibroids which cause infertility, abortions, heavy & painful periods & intermenstrual bleeding (i.e. bleeding in between periods.) These fibroids can be treated hysteroscopically. A telescope is put inside the uterine cavity and the fibroid is either shaved, burnt or cut off. This is a very simple treatment & patient goes off home the same day.
When the fibroid is located in the wall of the fibroid it is known as an intramural fibroid. These fibroids sometimes cause abortions, pain during pregnancy & abnormal position of baby obstructed labour & bleeding after delivery. These fibroids if they are bigger than 3 cm & the woman is infertile I would recommend removal. But this is very controversial & some people recommend 5cm size as cut off. This surgery is nowadays done laparoscopically i.e. keyhole surgery & patient goes home after 2 days. The same surgery can be done by open surgery also. Removal of the uterus or hysterectomy is advised if the woman is b/w 40-45yrs of age or if the patient has multiple fibroids & has finished with childbearing. Some women prefer hysterectomy because of the recurrence rate of fibroids. In patients with multiple fibroids, these can come back again.
In 0.2% of patients, these fibroids can have cancer. Usually, these patient show very rapid growth in size, have a lot of pain & complain of intermenstrual building or spotting. These need to be managed aggressively.
Uterine fibroids are noncancerous growths of the uterus that often appear during your childbearing years. As many as three out of four women have uterine fibroids, but most are unaware of them because they often cause no symptoms. Your doctor may discover them incidentally during a pelvic exam or pelvic ultrasound.
Fibroids contain more estrogen and estrogen receptors than do normal uterine muscle cells. If your mother or sister had fibroids, you’re at increased risk of also developing them.